Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and marketing can transform customer engagement and brand communication when strategically combined. The prominent leader is the Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer (ChatGPT), an OpenAI language model. In this post, we'll dive into the practical applications of ChatGPT in marketing for major corporations...

Welcome to the recap of an episode of "The Backstory on Marketing," where innovation meets expertise. This episode, hosted by Guy R. Powell, shines the spotlight on guest Brian Davidson, a marketing strategy expert. Brian Davidson's name echoes across the industry as a trailblazer, a visionary...

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly become an indispensable tool in marketing. Its capabilities to analyze vast amounts of data, personalize content, and automate tasks have revolutionized how companies connect with their audiences. For marketing executives, understanding and leveraging AI is no longer just an option...

A transformation is underway in content creation, and its driving force is generative AI. This technology has unleashed unprecedented creativity across various industries, from art and design to marketing and storytelling. Generative AI, such as OpenAI's GPT-3, has the potential to redefine how content is...

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come a long way since its inception, with remarkable advancements driven by relentless research and innovation. These algorithms, which create new data samples or content, have witnessed numerous challenges researchers have tirelessly worked to overcome. This article considers the evolution...

Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerged as a powerful tool for large corporations looking to optimize their operations and stay competitive in today's fast-paced business landscape. These organizations can streamline operations by harnessing AI technologies, from customer service to supply chain management, human resources, and financial processes....

In the expansive domain of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Analytic AI emerges as a cornerstone, wielding sophisticated algorithms to decipher the complexities hidden within both large and small datasets. This domain of analytics revolves around making data and analytics-informed decisions through the intricate analysis and interpretation...